Planning to take French AP next year? Wondering what you can do to continue making progress in French (especially comprehension)?
Here is a list of internet sites for you to check out:
- (links to a variety of resources)
- (articles about French culture, instruction and practice of vocabulary, grammar, etc….lots of stuff here)
- (multitude of news programs, documentaries, and more about France and the Francophone world...also has language instruction, quizzes, and more)
- (download Exam information and guide, check out sample questions and activities...also can find out how much credit you could get from colleges in which you are interested)
- duolingo (an app for the iphone)
Want to know how the AP French language test is set up? There are six themes:
- Global Challenges
- Science and Technology
- Contemporary Life
- Personal and Public Identities
- Families and Communities
- Beauty and Aesthetics
To know more, again, see the College Board’s AP Central site: